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Footnotes to blog:
Subsidizing Alberta Housing
August 2021
Link to the article by DR John Rook Blog is here
[i] The 6.7% the Net before Tax linked, as derived from this:
[ii] Squamish Nation to build 95 affordable rental homes at North Vancouver reserve | Urbanized ( From rents projected to be collected in an affordable housing project, an estimate of $9,630 per year per unit can be made.
[iii] Housing costs estimates
[iv] Final Report of the Affordable Housing Review Panel (
[v] Food banks, bills and constant stress: What living in poverty really means in Canada - National |
[vi] ibid
[vii] Final Report, page 3.
[viii] The $6,400 is based on:
[ix] Per Final Report of the Affordable Housing Review Panel ( A household is in core housing need if its housing does not meet one or more standards for housing adequacy (repair), suitability (crowding), or affordability and if it would have to spend 30 percent or more of its before-tax income to pay the median rent (including utilities) of appropriately sized alternative local market housing
[x] Page 7, Final Report.
[xi] Alberta's debt soars past $100B, stoking angst in government ranks | CBC News
[xii] Here is the calculation over time to grow $20 B to $ 80 Billion

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